Tripadvisor names Hanoi among cheapest cities for summer travel.
Tripadvisor names Hanoi among cheapest cities for summer travel
Hanoi ranked the second cheapest city for travel, right after Bulgaria’s Sofia, while Norway’s Oslo is the most expensive city in the world, according to a survey recently released by travel website
The survey was conducted on 49 cities from 49 countries with the largest number of foreign tourists according to statistics by the UN’s World Tourism Organization.
The website compared costs in these cites for an average overnight stay in a four-star hotel for two people, cocktails, dinner and wine and a taxi ride, and found that Hanoi was the second cheapest, with average cost for two tourists of USD176.14. In addition, eating and drinking cost in Hanoi is the lowest among the surveyed cities.
On the contrary, travellers looking to get the most for their money on summer vacations may want to avoid Oslo, Norway, where two people spend USD581.08 for one day travel.
Also among the top 10 cheapest cities were Warsaw, Poland; Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt; and Budapest, Hungary. |